Wednesday 25 November 2020

Good Communicator = Good Listener

How to becoome an effective communicator? Remember.. the number one technique is to be a good listener. Do not listen to argue, to questions or to show that you knowo more. Just listen with the intention that you want to connect and you are interested in the topic. This would also trigger a chain of questions within your mind that can engage you with the audience or to the host of the talk in a meaningful manner. You need effectivre communication in all aspects of life and to deliver all kinds of emotions, news, persuations and information. Bringing in neuroscience knowlede - critical thinking happens at prefrontal cortex. Principally,everthing has a center in our body, e.g., center of vision is occipital lobe. However, there is only one thing that has two centers: speech. One center is situated in limbic system that is assoociated wih emotions and the other center is situated in prefrontal cortex that is associated with logic. When you are angry or emotional, your center in prefontal cortex gets covered by a 'foggy' wall - hypothetically. If you let that person speak for 15 to 20 mins, eventually his continous speaking would trigger neurons in pre-frontal cortex tilting him on the side of logic. That is why often when people talk a lot in anger get a remorse afterwards when then think logically of what they did and said. It is important for a leader to have good listening skills in order to communicate effectively with the team and understand peopl around her/him.
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How can tools support practices of 'Modern Code Reviews'

Today morning I read work of Bacchelli and Bird from ICSE 2013 (file attached). Please see my main take aways below in the context of our Jo...